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I got home late last night, and I've been behind, so this is actually being posted on 11/26. I needed to do a bunch of yardwork yesterday to get ready for the rain and cold of winter. My wrists...
Closed for the day. What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer? I did Day 329 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024 through L.A. Writers' Lab and laughed, because I went upstairs to...
Today is 11/26 - I've fallen behind with this, because I've been rushing forward... What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer? I did Day 328 of the 100 Words a Day Writing Challenge 2024...
I remember when I lived in Texas that I liked cloudy days, because they were so rare. In Indiana they are definitely the winter routine. What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer? Did...
It says a lot about how sore my wrists were today that by the time late afternoon came around I decided I'd rather face the blustery snowstorm than sit inside with my computer any longer. What...
I can't remember much about Wuthering Heights, but the wind outside my window makes me feel like I'm living on the moors... What Did I Accomplish Today to Be a Writer? I did Day 325 of the...